A Method of Computation for the Dynamic Response of Systems


The increasing Complexity of systems
and Sophistication of digital Computers
have been instrumental in the development
of new methods of analysis in all
fields of engineering. However, the
over all effectiveness of any analysis
depends to a large degree on the numerical
procedures used for the solution
of systems equation. This means, that
the cost of an analysis and in fact,
its pratical feasiblity depend to a
Considerable degree on the Algorithms
available for teh solution of systems
equations. Because of this much research
effort has gone into optimizing
the equation solution Algorithms .What
is means to present in this paper is
the algorithm for the solution of the
simultaneous equations of the form:
that arise in dynamic analysis of systems
in the field of vibration. Where
order of matrices are large, is very
effective, economical and thus from
the view point of Computers very practical.
M,C,K are mass matrix, damping matrix,
and stiffness matrix respectively ,and
R is the external load vector, and
U,U,U are displacement, velocity and
acceleration vectors respectively .The
procedure which is presentead here is
"New mark's Direct Integration Method".
This method in the cases in which the