
One of the natural resources in our country is mineral water that hasnot
been used as it should, and can be found allover the country.
Kharaqhan hot water is located by the Ghazvin-Hamedan road. This spring
is being used in a very primitive way and is the subject of this investigation.
The analyses were carried on the field and in the laboratory by standard
methods and the results are shown in the tables and graphs.
The results revealed that this mineral water can be classified as sodium
chlorated, calcium bicarbonated, acidic and hyperthermal water.
This spring has been occured due to a fault of the calcareous-formation
of the region. The origin of water seems to be external. It is heated under
the ground accordinq to the geothermic gradiant accends through the mentioned
fault and carries the dissolved mineral on its way.
The out put of the sprinq, its temperature, chemical composition and its
fine location necessiated the attention of the governmental authorities.