summary of life development in Mesozoic time


The outstanding feature of the life of Mesozoic time is the rise to dominance
of the reptiles and their radiation into almost all modes of existence on
the lands, in the waters, and in the air . Chief place among the invertebrates
is occupied by the cephalopods which reached at this time the culmination of
their career. This is indicated by their extraordinary specialization along many
lines, multitudinous variety, and the gaint stature of some forms. The characteristic
plant group of the era is that of the cycaduphytes, though in Cretaseous
time the appearance of the highest type of seed - bearing plants, the angiospermes,
introduces modern aspects in the flora .
A paleontological description is given of 23 Footprints of dinosaurs found
In The continental Liassic formations north of Kerman. Five different type are
Recognized . Four of them are attributed to ornithopod dinosaurs , and one to
Grallator, a Coelurosaurian theropod (A. F. de Lapparent, et M. Davoud,
zadeh) .