Transfer of Nuclear Technology


The Industrial growth of any developing country largely depends on the availability
of abundant energy resources. According to the energy survey carried out by International Atomic
Energy Agency, (1) the contribution which nuclear energy will make towards the total energy
requirements of the developed countries of the world by the end of the century will be about 50%.
In Iran by the year 1992 the share of nuclear energy, in spite of vas t amounts of fossil fuel
resources will be more than 50% of the country's electrical energy demand(2).
To reach this goal the two following steps must be accomplished :
1- To gather a team of experienced researchers in this field and to establish and develop
research and educational centres within Iran.
2- To educate and train the required man power for the nuclear industry in order to
pave the way for the acquisition of nuclear technology.
It is obvious that the degree of success achieved by a ny developing country, in the
transfer of nuclear technology , depends on the procedures taken for accomplishing these two