Mineralogy, petrology and Geochemical charaetrisucs of Volcanic Rocks North of ParaDdak and Zarande-Saveh Area.


The study area embraces some parts of the Eocene Volcanic Series (Soder 1959) which
is located north of Parandak and Zarande-Saveh. The rock types of volcanic rocks found in the
area is consisting of Rhyolits, Latite, Dacite, Rhydacite, Trachyandesite, Andesite, and phonolite.
As it has been shown in Geologic Map No.2, Rhyolits and Andesite have a greater abundance
and spread. Except the No. 39, volcanic massive which is deficient in silica content, the rest of the
volcanic massives are of the over saturated kind and belong to pacific series. The chemical analysis
of the specimens were carried out and the results are tabulated in persian text of this article.
Neming of the rocks in this study was done according to Rittmann (1963) scheme.
Yoder and Tilley (I962) belive thnt all volcanic rocks are associated with each other
and found together in accordance with one of the two ways as represented below:
A) alkali basaltic magma upon differentiation would yield, in order, Hawaiite Mojareite
and Trachyte which itself differentiates in to Phonolite and Pantelerite,
B) toleitic magma which upon defferentiation yield, in order, Toleitic Andesite, Dacite,
and Trachyte.
In folded belts (liks some regions of Iran) another series of the type “B" (Toleitic) is
known to have been differantiated, we callthis particular series”C". In this case we have Toleitic
magma differentiating, in order, to calco - alkalan Andesite, Dacite, and Rhyolite in the studied
area, and also with consideration of the opinions expressed by Stocklin (1968), Varet (1970) and
Girod (197I) which all agree to abundance and great spreads of volcanic eruptions of Cenozoic
age in the Lut area, which are mostly Andesite, Dacite, and Rhyolite, the following conclusion
could be drawn:
The volcanic rocks of Cenozoic age of Iran are probably from the "c" series in which the parent magma had a Toleitic composition.