

In this study, the essential equations and parameters for the application of the method of
ret1ected caustics V –notched plates to are reviewed.

Using the equations obtained, Mode-I stress intensity factor in the V-notched plates was
determined by applying the re11ected method of
Five models with 45 and 90 degree notches were
tested. All models were made from thin,
transparent sheets of plexiglass of different
thicknesses. The notches were machined
perpendicular to the edge of the plates.
The models were subjected to uniaxial tension.
The image of the generated caustics curve were photographed with a 35 mm camera at different
loading conditions, during the test.
lvleasurment of the photogaphs gave caustic dimensions as
function of applied load.
Different thickness and a/w ratios were

considered. The results compared well with
theoretical, experimental (Photoelastic) and numerical methods.

The reliability of the reflected method of caustic for the determination of the stress intensity factor
in V-notched plates is established.