With an optimistic estimation. I ran's population will be doubled in the next 30
years. To prevent the rapid growth of existing cities. a nation wide program for finding the suitable places for new cities has been established by the Minisity of Housing and urban Development. in
1991. The first obstacle against this program was the lack of a proper base
1ll_lp In this respect. a multi-layer I. 250,000 engll1eering geological map was designed. Ten different lavers of this map
covers geological materials and
structures, surface and ground waters, geomorphological features. geological hazards and man made features. The multi-layer engineering geological map has been prepared for five western provinces of : Hamedan , Kordestan, Kermanshah,
Lorestan, and limn with an area of
11,716,000 hectares. These maps are used as a basis for designing a borehole network for geotechnical investigation of the soil cover. These maps also used as the main source. for preparing different geotechnical zonation maps. such as . liquefaction, distribution of problematic soils. bearing capacity for typical foundations and soil amplification factors.