

Every year, a vast amount of waste materials are produced and remained in rice, sugar cane, wheat, cotton,... farms in Iran, which are suitable to be used as a raw materials in plywood board industries. The existence of this abundant and cheap raw materials which are available to industries proves the value of conducting a research in this field. This research shows how the waste materials remained in farms can be used to produce high quality plywood boards without current adhesives in the plywood board industry and only through using the mineral compounds available in Iran (hydrochloric acid and magnesium oxide). The plan not only creates job and added value, but also due to the simplicity of the production process and reductions in the amount of investment, matches the environmental and economical conditions of Iran. The research has been conducted in lab scale and on the waste materials of rice farms. By continuing the work and making slight changes in production process, it might be applied for similar raw materials as well.